Friday, April 16, 2010

90's Movie Trivia

Ok, same rules as the 80's trivia game (see below). Have fun!

1. Saying goodbye in their own way. Playing outlawed tunes on outlawed pipes
2. I say, why don't you guys locate your dicks, remove the shrink wrap, and fucking *use* them!
3. I'm a god. I'm not *the* God... I don't think.
4. You are an embarrassment to the game of pool and should be glad I even let you play at my table.
5. Pumping iron, and eating. Ain't nothing else to do in the motherfucking pen.
6. Fundamentally, people are suckers for the truth. And the truth is on your side, Bubba.
7. Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself.
8. I was just thinking that of all the trails in this life, there are some that matter most. It is the trail of a true human being. I think you are on this trail, and it is good to see.
9. He was the only one I wasn't 100% on. I should have my fuckin' head examined, going on a plan like this when I wasn't 100%.
10. I don’t want his pork chop…I want his life!


ChuckJerry said...

Dammit, this one is really frustrating.

1 is a gimme.
2 is not a gimme, but I know that one.

3 I recognize but I can't place it.

4 is super duper frustrating right now. I can see the scene. I can hear the cadence he says the line in and I can see him shooting a shot right in the middle of the line and I can't fucking place it.

5 I could narrow down to a few movies, but I don't know. 6 I don't know.

7 again, I can hear it, but I can't place it.

8 I don't know.

9 I can fucking hear it. I've almost got this one worked out. Dammit!!!!!!!!

10 I should know. I know I should know this one and I don't.

Side Bar said...

1: had no clue (how in the world is this a gimme?)

2: this was much easier than 1

3 - 4 : vaguely familiar, but had to look them up.

5 - 6: was POSITIVE I had these, but was wrong

7 - 9: got these. "the trail of a true human being." God I love that f*cking movie.

10: had no clue.

Matt Dabney said...

Got 1, 4, & 5.
Had to look up the others.

I hope this is not a spoiler, but I was disappointed to not see any Rounders quotes.

Anonymous said...

I know #2, #3, #4 (but not which character says it), #5, #6, and that's it. I asked Ev about the ones I didn't know and was fucking pissed I messed up #7.

Great job, Ev.

Evan said...

1. Saying goodbye in their own way. Playing outlawed tunes on outlawed pipes- Uncle Argyle- Braveheart
2. I say, why don't you guys locate your dicks, remove the shrink wrap, and fucking *use* them! – Steve Stifler- American Pie
3. I'm a god. I'm not *the* God... I don't think.- Bill Murray- Groundhog Day
4. You are an embarrassment to the game of pool and should be glad I even let you play at my table.- O’Bannion- Dazed and Confused
5. Pumping iron, and eating. Ain't nothing else to do in the motherfucking pen.- Ice Cube- Boyz in the Hood
6. Fundamentally, people are suckers for the truth. And the truth is on your side, Bubba.- Mr. X- JFK
7. Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself.- Robin Williams- Good Will Hunting
8. I was just thinking that of all the trails in this life, there are some that matter most. It is the trail of a true human being. I think you are on this trail, and it is good to see.- Kicking Bird- Dances with Wolves
9. He was the only one I wasn't 100% on. I should have my fuckin' head examined, going on a plan like this when I wasn't 100%.- Joe- Reservoir Dogs
10. I don’t want his pork chop…I want his life! – Montana- Blood In Blood Out.