Sunday, May 2, 2010

Random Stuff 5.2.2010

Random thoughts on a random Sunday morning...

1) So much for my big predictions about Denver coming out of the West in the NBA Playoffs. What does this tell me?

- I guess a coach can make a big difference in the NBA, and
- I don't see how anybody can stop L.A. from coming out of the West.

So who am I rooting for now? I hope Cleveland wins. It's hard to dislike LeBron. But, even more than wanting Cleveland to win, there are two teams I am actively rooting against: L.A. and Orlando. I hate the smugness of L.A. (particularly Kobe and Phil Jackson) and I hate the bitchiness of Vince Carter and Dwight Howard.

2) I love my new MacBook. I wish I made the switch years ago.

3) Eminem's song "Kim" (from the Marshall Mathers LP) is downright frightening.

I remember once being under the influence of some chemicals in college (I believe it was the same chemicals that make Mario big) and listening to the Beatles "Revolution 9" from the White Album ("Number nine... number nine...) all the way through and getting slightly freaked out.

What other songs are "scary" or have ever scared you, sober or not? I can't think of any others offhand.

4) When George W. Bush II was our president from 2000 - 2008 and he got on TV, I hated him so much that he caused such a visceral reaction in me that I literally couldn't stay in the room. If I did, I would either mock him or yell things like "FUCK YOU!!!" at the screen, to the point where my wife would say "Would you shut up? I just want to hear what he's saying. I hate him too. Just stop!" but I couldn't control myself because I couldn't look at his stupid fucking face anymore.

I haven't had that kind of reaction since to anything on TV until I tried to watch American Idol again. I watched the first couple of seasons and got tired with the dragged out, formulaic idiocy of it. I tried again this season and just found myself yelling at the screen, particularly when Randy Jackson would be on. I would just yell "YO YO YO YO YO YO YO DOG CHECK THIS OUT YO YO YO YO YO DOG DOG DOG AIGHT AIGHT DOG DOG" in anger until my wife would once again tell me to shut up so she could at least give the show a chance.

5) I wish there was some food I loved, and attacked with such zest and passion, as my cockatiels do with millet spray. It's weird. Millet spray seems so bland and yet they love it more than any other fresh food, cereal, and everything else we've given them.


Joe Grossberg said...

1) And that Carmelo Anthony isn't the kind of guy who can take over games or carry his team.

Also LOL re: Mark Cuban's "I'm not proud of the NBA" ... I guess he has found a way to stay on this side of getting fined for criticizing refs.

2) Amen. I have to use Windows occasionally to make sure sites look and work right in Internet Explorer, and let me tell you ... it makes me wince.

3) Yes -- Spinal Meningitis by Ween is creepy.

4) Oddly enough, I almost never talk to the TV, not even sports. The last time I can recall yelling at the screen was when I watched "Saw" years ago and Cary Elwes was attempting his desperate escape.

5) I think that's the tradeoff for a wider palate. One of our cats wakes up and comes sprinting when he hears a can open, on the off chance that he might get ... some smelly fish in aspic. WTF.

Evan said...

"5) I wish there was some food I loved, and attacked with such zest and passion, as my cockatiels do with millet spray."

It's kind of hard to find that food when you only eat hamburgers and have refused to try any new foods.

Matt Dabney said...

1) I was just as far off as you were about the playoff predictions. Jerry Sloan deserves a ton of credit for keeping his team together and playing at or above their skill levels while dealing with losing a bunch of his *stars* to injuries.

4) Yo dawg. So listen up. You should DVR the show and then fast forward when Randy is speaking. That's what I do every time Ellen speaks. And I've been doing that a lot lately when Kara speaks also.

ChuckJerry said...

I agree with you on the NBA. I don't want LA or Orlando to win. I'm also pretty tired of San Antonio. Honestly, though, I haven't watched more than 5 minutes of the playoffs so far this year. Maybe I'll start to watch in the next round. Maybe not.

I finally quit American Idol this year, but the only way I managed to watch so long was to DVR it and fast forward everything except for the performances and Simon's comment. Then I would fast forward the results show to the last 30 seconds of the broadcast. Out of 2.5 hours of air time, I would watch about 15 minutes worth per week. Even then it was pretty bad, though.