Friday, March 19, 2010

Quit Stalling Verbal

"Now, I know there was dope on that boat."

Now that we (Americans) embark on the final push before a vote on health care, I have to say I’m very disappointed in the Dems. Yeah, this is nothing new, but the fact that it took this long to get a vote and it’s this close to actually getting done (if at all) goes to show that liberals (Dems, I use these terms interchangeably) really don’t have a chance to push most of their agendas because of their approach and own nature.

Many people ask “How come the Democrats can’t get things done?” The correct answer is because, collectively we are pussies. That’s right, we’re pussies! We try and compromise and help everyone, so much so, that our enemies take advantage of our nature. We (liberals/Dems) try and understand everyone’s position and then compromise to respect their feelings, after all that’s who liberals are. The fact that Barrack has spent so long trying to convince those opposed to Health Care Reform of the benefits of changing the system shows the problem with our approach. We have all known for a long time that the Republicans have been stalling and we allowed them to. Obama should have been like Agent Kujan from the Usual Suspects trying to the nail the Republicans down on their stalling tactics. Obama should have said to the Republicans "Quit stalling Verbal, you know what I’m getting at!” Then, Obama should have thrown Jon Boehner to the floor like Kujan did to Verbal. Yeah, I’m getting carried away. And maybe the Usual Suspects is not the greatest analogy, but the movie does have some good quotes.

Look at the shit that Republicans pushed through over the Bush Years: a war on false premises, torture as formal policy, no federal response at the onset of Katrina, we all know etc… But the point is, we (Dems) have come to accept this. On the other side of the coin, we have taken over a year to get a vote on getting more people covered under health care. When Republicans are in charge, we take the shit that they give us and try to soften the blow or make the most of it. Now that we’re in power, we don’t deliver any blows, we still try and compromise.

There’s a scene in Mississippi Burning when Gene Hackman tries to convince William Dafoe that, sometimes as a liberal, you need to fight with backwards people in matters that don’t come naturally to a liberal. Dafoe’s character Ward (the pussy liberal) says, "Don't drag me down to your gutter, Anderson." Hackman character Anderson (the tough liberal) parries with, "These people crawled out of the sewers, Mr. Ward. Maybe the gutter is the place we have to be." I guess what I’m saying is, just because you’re liberal this should not necessitate you being a pussy. So Dems, change up the strategy or else we won’t be able to get anything done!


ChuckJerry said...

"Are you trying to get a rise out of me, Agent Kujon?"

"And like that, (poof) he's gone."

Word, these Pelosis need to man the fuck up. 59 is not a minority, McFly.

Anonymous said...

Huh rah huh rah rutgers rah go boy!

from Pops, Ape, and Clyde