Sunday, March 14, 2010

New York State of Mind

Bill Simmons writes something that touches on something I wrote some time ago:

Speaking of songs, I spent the past few days in New York City and decided that Jay-Z's "Empire State of Mind" was one of the five most brilliant songs ever made. It's like Jay made the decision: "It's 2009 … I've made enough money, I've cemented my legacy, I married Beyonce … really, I guess the only thing left would be to supplant Sinatra with the No. 1 New York-centric go-to song that (A) goes through someone's head every time they walk around Manhattan, and (B) gets played before and after every New York sporting event for the next 25 years, and if that's not enough, becomes a mortal lock to get played at Manhattan clubs once an hour for the rest of eternity. Tough task, but I think I can pull it off. I'm Jay-Z."


popsrick said...

Not to this but had to comment that that's the first time I've ever seen a hobo con awful lot of ketchup!

Anonymous said...

Are you serious? That ketchup would only make it through about half of the Hobo.

Seriously, though... you can't look at that and tell me it doesn't look at least a little bit appetizing... can you?

That's what I should do for a living... quit teaching and open a "Five-Star South" featuring Hoboes, but to add to the Philly thing, we could invent a "Hobo con Queso Cheesesteak". Heart attack on a roll!