Monday, February 15, 2010


It's been a busy two months for the Frazier family.

First, in December, Mrs. Frazier and I became homeowners. This made us happy. Even the snowiest winter in Philadelphia-area history could not cool off our spirits.

Moving... a huge hassle, but allows you to "streamline" your life and throw out a bunch of useless shit... in theory.

Home ownership isn't all rosy. Apparently, it's not always sunny in Philadelphia. Sweet hat, Walt.

The two-foot snow was followed 4 days later by a foot of heavy snow that closed school for two days and even broke branches off of some of the pine trees in our lot.

Anyway, so as all of this was going on in South Jersey, Beer-on-the-Girl, my brother, accepted a federal job in Boston and had to figure out how to sell his condo and not take a huge hit on it with the state of the real-estate market.

(By the way, all you clowns better give him as much shit when he comes home for Toilet Bowl 2010 in a Tom Brady jersey as you give me for professing to like the Eagles.)

Our mother, Fubby, was looking for a good reason to go through the hassle and life-change of downsizing now that the two of us are grown and she had a 3-bedroom house to herself. And, amazingly, she found a buyer very quickly for her house on Margaret Street in Teaneck. So, it was done. BotG has an apartment set up in Boston and is starting his new job tomorrow, Fubby will be settled in Hackensack in BotG's condo very soon.

I suppose this is the end of an era - the Margaret Street era. Officially saying goodbye to one's childhood is bittersweet. No more juvenile debauchery like this. Maybe it's for the best.

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