Saturday, September 13, 2008

Why I Voted For McCain

These are actual quotes that people I know have said in the past couple weeks as in regard to (a) why they plan on voting for the McCain/Palin ticket in two months or (b) reasons why they don't want Barack Obama in office (essentially the same, no?) These are either exact or paraphrased as close as I can remember to the actual quote. Some make me scratch my head.

- "I just like him [McCain]... I just like his whole thing."
(Me) - "What do you mean, 'his whole thing'?"
- "You know... just what he's about. I always have."

- "I really don't like much at all about McCain... but the whole abortion thing just drives me nuts. So I'll probably vote for him."

- "You know, when he [Obama] gets into office, he's just going to help his own."

- (passing some African-American gentlemen pimped out in oversized Obama t-shirts in a casino, and pointing them out to me) "There's your boy, Walt. That's who you're supporting." (said derisively)

- "The fact that his [Obama's] middle name is Hussein makes a difference."

...and this really happened...

- "I'm afraid that when the Muslim parts of the world see a guy with the name 'Barack Obama' get elected, they're going to think that they have somebody in a high position in America, and they'll be more likely to try shit than if John McCain is in there."
(Me) - "Why would they?"
- "Come on... 'Barack Obama'? They'll think, 'We've got one!' That stuff matters."

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