Sunday, September 14, 2008

Election 2008

I've been going back and forth between two feelings about this election.

On one hand, I try to analyze both sides, understand where people on the other (Republican) side sit on issues. It's hard to empathize with them so I try to seriously hear where they're coming from.

Then, I see polls on TV, or hear people saying things to me, and I get angry and think to myself things like, "How the FUCK could any reasonable human being want McCain, and then Palin, in this position of government? HOW? WHAT THE FUCK?!?" Then, I go through some psychological thing where I alternate between different stages of the process - acceptance, denial, anger, frustration, depression all occur to me. The whole "If x wins, I'm moving to Canada" thing has occurred to me. How could we live in a country where, as the saying goes, people would rather have a leader who is strong and wrong instead of "weak" and right (and notice I put weak in quotes)????????????

ARGHGHGHGHHGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! How could this thing even be close?!?!?!?

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