Monday, October 29, 2007

"Frost Warning"???

I don't believe what I read in the papers
They're just out to capture my dime

- Paul Simon, "Have a Good Time"

So I've blogged before about the silliness and irresponsibility of the TV news and the media in general, and this is certainly a topic discussed in general in today's world, where every story seems to warn us about impending death and mortal harm around every corner.

In the past, I've blogged specifically about weather advisory warnings as issued on the TV news. It seems like the trend in recent years continues to lean towards "warning" or "advising" us on any possible bit of winter weather that could fall. The *potential* for flurries seem to warrant a "winter weather advisory" these days. And being a weather geek my whole like, I usually pay attention to the weather forecasts and don't seem to remember this.

This morning was the first cold morning this season. The temperature was going to dip into the upper 30s / low 40s overnight. So on this morning's TV news... we had... get this... a "freeze / frost warning". A FROST WARNING!!!!

"TV Viewers... be ready... because you might have to... PUT ON A JACKET!!! You may even have to turn on the defroster in your car on the way to work!!! BE WARNED!"

Now, after complaining about this to my wife, she played devil's advocate and pointed out that people who garden or have to tend to outdoor things might need to know this to take precautions for their outside objects. Granted, I hadn't thought of that. But still, isn't a blaring "frost warning" the dénouement of this ridiculous saga that is the TV weather's decline into absurdity? Can I just stick my head out the fucking window in the morning and decide what to wear?

MSNBC has issued the following disclaimer: The following image shows what can happen to people's feet who don't follow all MSNBC-issued frost warnings.

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