Saturday, November 3, 2007

Random Notes Sat 11/3/07

- My obsession with Desktop Tower Defense has not abated. I got a new high score - 7252 - but when I attempted to post it to the ChuckJerry leader board (which has two members: myself and ChuckJerry) the website froze and it was lost. Ahh well, that score will be the Snuffleupagus to my Big Bird. By the way, did anybody know he had a first name? Aloysius?

- I have found myself quickly biting the style of the boys over at Where's Luke with posting a picture in each post and attempting a funny comment. I caught myself about to post a random photo of Snuffleupagus. I will refrain, for now.

- I'm really torn about buying NBA League Pass this year. It's been awesome to get home and be able to flip on any random NBA game. However, I don't know if I'm home often enough now to warrant it. The price is not that much when you consider all the games you get...

- I'm currently reading a book entitled "What's the Matter with Kansas?" I get bored with political discussions, but this book is very interesting.

- Is there any better time to read than on the shitter?

- ING Direct has been paying off well since we started to save there. Also incredibly easy and convenient.

- Six of us have started a Fantasy NBA league again this year. "I try to get out... and they keep PULLING me back in."

- And finally, Check out this list of "coolest blogs of 2005", and especially you NYC people, check out the first link about "Things Overheard in NYC". Obviously, there's no way to verify if these things are real or not, but entertaining nonetheless.

1 comment:

Open Bar said...

Nice! And I didn't even know we had pioneered the picture/comment thing!

I'm taking full credit, by the way. LJT, Side Bar and Chuck can go suck an egg.

(Whatup 3rd grade disses?)