Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Desktop Tower Defense - read at your own risk!

Ever since Joe blogged about the game Desktop Tower Defense several months ago, I've gone through various stages of being addicted to it.

Here is the key to Pandora's Box.

I've been "competing" on and off with Jerry with top scores, although Jerry hasn't really tried the latest version of the game.

A more visually appealing image than swimsuit pictures? Probably not. A game more addicting than heroin? Probably.

What is it? It's a game as addicting to me as Tetris was. It's a strategy game where you have to shoot a bunch of guys using a variety of weapons. It's "live action" (i.e. not like Dungeons and Dragons or Risk).

Why is it so addicting? I have no idea. All I know is, I've caught myself playing during class when kids are taking quizzes, when kids are after school for extra help... and I've lost many productive hours at home playing the game. It's honestly having a negative effect on my life. At what point does one have a "problem"?

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