Sunday, October 21, 2007

Yeah, so Frazier beginning and winning this time...

A quick Q & A about this blog, Walt Clyde Frazier's Stream of Consciousness...

Ok, Walt, why are you starting your fourth blog in a couple of months?

I had my own personal blog which was nice and enjoyed very much. The title was "[my name]'s Stream of Consciousness" and I intended to keep blogging there.

However, I got paranoid when I found out that students of mine had located my blog. (Incase you are new, I teach high school.) Because much of my personal information was on the blog (including my name), I didn't want the blog to affect my professional life.

I started a new blog called A Quandary of Sorts which I thought was a neat concept, but it was an idea that would only really work if it was read and commented on much more often than it was. Plus, I like the "stream of consciousness" idea much better. It is conducive to getting my ideas out there, as well as serving as a "journal" of sorts where I can just write down my ideas.

So, I thought I would try to set up a Myspace account and blog there, thus killing two internet birds with one stone: set up a place to get in touch with "old" acquaintances, as well as blog. However, I find myself turned off with Myspace. Plus, it skeeves me out that all my students talk about is Myspace.

So, now I wanted to remain anonymous but also get back to just being able to blog randomly about whatever I want to share. Hence, I am here!

Are you going to actually stick with this blog?

I hope so. I plan on getting a lot out of it. I am too impatient / lazy to hand-write a "journal" at night before bed. However, I found that when I was writing the original Stream of Consciousness blog, I not only was able to articulate good, or at least interesting ideas out there that had been rattling around in my brain, but also was able to re-read old posts and remember where I had been recently in my life. It also created a sense of connection with other people that had blogs, and gave me a creative outlet where my work as a high school math teacher does not always do so.

Aren't you being a little silly / paranoid with this anonymity and switching around of blogs?

Probably. However, I feel, rightly or wrongly, that this isn't the same world of high school life that us around-30-something's remember from 15 years ago. Kids are so interconnected that the Internet is something not to meddle around with. I'm sure we've all heard stories, some true and some not, that people have gotten into professional trouble through stuff they'd written on their blogs, on Myspace, etc... And despite the joy I had with my blog and hope to have with this one, it's not worth the risk of having it affect my professional life, as I said before.

Ok, I'll give this new blog a shot. Just two things... 1) What is a "Hobo Con Queso", and 2) who is "Walt Clyde Frazier"?

1) "Hobo Con Queso" is Spanglish for Hobo with Cheese, a version of a common breakfast sandwich one can order at the greasy spoon diner that my friends and I frequented so much in our late teens / early twenties in our hometown, Five-Star Coffee Shop. The Hobo with Cheese consisted of fried/scrambled eggs, a kaiser roll toasted with slices of American cheese melted on it, and some potatoes fried up on the grill mixed in with the eggs.

Mmmm.... hobo...

The reason the Spanish words are used is the culinary artist of this delight was Carlos, who is Latino and thus the words "con queso" are in tribute to this gourmet of the grill. Like Pele, Cher and Dennery, his greatness means he doesn't need a last name.

2) Walt "Clyde" Frazier is a former NBA guard who played for the Knicks, among other teams. One of the 50 greatest players in NBA History, aside from winning two championships with the Knicks he is an announcer for Knicks games and one of the coolest cats in NYC history. He is my chosen Internet persona to protect my anonymity, and one can do a lot worse than Clyde.

Thanks for stopping by, and continue to read for the same high quality of blogmanship that you enjoyed at my previous blog!

1 comment:

Side Bar said...

yo they put a Dunkin' Donuts right across the street from Five Star (next to the parking lot for Summit Bank). Hobo con queso is going to be filing for chapter siete in cinco minutos.