Sunday, July 26, 2009

New Jersey Highway Driving

From the New Jersey Driver's Manual:

On a multi-lane roadway, motorists must drive in the lane nearest to the right-hand edge or curb of the roadway when the lane is available for travel, except when overtaking another vehicle or in preparation for a left turn.

(from N.J.S.A. 39:4-88, which elaborates:

"Upon a highway which is divided into 3 lanes, a vehicle shall not be driven in the center lane except when overtaking or passing another vehicle or in preparation for a left turn or unless the center lane is at the time allocated for traffic moving in the direction the vehicle is proceeding and is signposted to give notice of that allocation.")

Now, any of you who have ever driven on the New Jersey Turnpike know that what the law says and what people do in this regard are very, very different. Troopers who are parked on the side of the turnpike, watching for traffic violators, do not stop people strictly for unnecessarily driving in the left lane.

Infact, I would argue that there seems to be an written but widely accepted set of rules for driving on the Turnpike (and the Parkway, 295, 80, etc...) that most motorists seem to abide by. They go something like this:

- The right lane is the "slow lane". If you feel like actually obeying the speed limit (i.e. driving slower than it) you go to the right lane. You also go here when you are getting ready to exit the highway. If you are in the right lane and you want to pass somebody, it is expected that you will go to the middle lane to do so.

- The middle lane is the "cruising lane". People in the middle lane should be going either at the speed limit or slightly above it. You don't feel like going slow to the right. If you are on a 65-mph highway, the accepted speed for the middle line is probably something between 62 and 72 miles per hour. If you are in this speed range, and somebody wants to go faster than you, it is expected that they will go to the left to pass you.

- The left lane is the "fast lane". People in the left lane are in a constant state of passing people in the middle lane, and are taking the risk of getting a speeding ticket. If you are in the left lane you should be doing at least 75 on a 65-mph highway. Also, even if you are doing 75, if somebody comes up behind you and wants to go faster, it is expected that you will go over to the middle lane at the next opportunity to let them by. Then, you are allowed to return to the left lane.

So, let us posit that I am more or less accurate about these unwritten rules. Furthermore, let us agree that these are not the actual driving laws. I do not abide by one of these rules. And consequently, I receive glares, middle fingers, etc... by irate drivers (and almost always, in North Jersey. Don't get me started on the vast difference between the human beings that drive south of Trenton and the stress-inducing lunatics that drive north of New Brunswick. I should have elaborated on this difference more the last time I meditated on this topic.)

Here's the way I usually drive: I am ok with the unwritten rules about the right and middle lanes. When I cruise in the middle lane, I drive at about 65 (or 55 if that's the speed limit) or slightly below that speed. However, when I'm too impatient to cruise in the middle lane (usually when the driver in front of me is not doing 60 (or 55)), I cruise in the left lane. However, I obviously want to minimize my chances of getting a ticket. Therefore, I obey another unwritten rule of driving - which is you should never go more than 10 mph over the speed limit. The thought process behind this, I suppose, is that police won't bother writing you a ticket for speeding by under 10 mph over the limit, as you can plead down in traffic court.

So, anyway, when I cruise the left lane, I do so at about 72 mph (in a 65) or 62 mph (in a 55).

When I do this, before long, somebody is inevitably riding right up my ass. I don't move over for them, nor do I speed up or slow down. Essentially, I pretend that they aren't there. This usually leads to them getting dangerously close to me and high-beaming me. Finally, they give up, swerve around me to the right, match my speed to glare at me, give me the finger, and yell at me. Then, they swerve in front of me, dangerously close, go slow for a couple of seconds (I suppose to show me the size of their dick), then peel away.

Now, Walt, why don't you obey rule #3 about the left lane? Is it passive-aggressive behavior which is a form of road rage? Are you trying to prove a point? No, none of the above. I feel that this is an appropriate way to drive. I do not want to let the behavior of maniacs alter or dictate the way I drive. I understand that when I'm in the left lane, I technically shouldn't be there. However, neither should any of the other drivers. Therefore, their rules are no more valid than mine. We are all breaking the law by being there at all. If you need to go 85 or 90 miles per hour, the onus is on you to swerve through the lanes as you feel necessary, not on me to placate you and implicitly condone your insanity by moving for you.

Ironically, I brought this up at a dinner in North Jersey with my North Jersey family a few months ago, and asked them how they felt. Every single one of them, including my own mother and brother, said that I was being a dick for not moving out of the way in the left-hand lane. I concluded that living in North Jersey makes one a maniacal driver and warps one's otherwise rational perspective on the driving issue. Then again, if I had to fight the crazy traffic up there for the past four years in addition to the previous 11 that I already had done, I'd have lost my fucking mind too.


Matt Dabney said...

I think the only person who would agree with you is Pax. By your own admission, you refuse to conform to everyone else's unwritten rules about driving on the highway. Instead you stubbornly stick to your own separate rulebook.

I however not only think it's a dick move on your part, I also think you put everyone else's lives in danger who is around you on the highway. Aggressive drivers who swerve in and out of lanes are proven to cause accidents. So why would you purposely instigate that behavior in others?

Keep the roads safe and drive in the middle lane. What's so hard about that?

Renee’s Paper Craft said...

Although, Matt makes some good points.... You are not the only one who thinks your way- walt. I think the point should be that no one needs to drive 80 to 90 miles per hour and that the individual will most likely cause an accident no matter what. One must realize that these folks are showing off and that they will pass anyone at anytime irresponsibly. People will be in their way. You ARE NOT A DICK. Folks need to be aware that these individuals are a menace and should call the police on them from their cells......

Pax Dickinson said...

Haha, Matt.. Nope I don't agree with Max at all. I agree with you that he's causing a dangerous situation by not following the emergent crowdsourced rules of the road in favor of obeying the legal rules of the road.

Hmm.. ignoring human nature and emergent common sense in favor of bowing down to state authority? Yep, we've got a progressive here. Give me 20 ccs of nonconformity, stat!

BTW, how can you say for a fact that none of the people passing you needed to go that fast? What if they were rushing to a hospital with a pregnant wife in the passenger seat? Yes, probably not, but it's pretty presumptuous of you to decide for others how fast they should be driving when you don't know the facts involved.

Basically, yes, it is passive aggressive road rage.

Nick.Zaveri said...

Interesting take. The irony is, of course, that the left lane is for people who wish to flout the state driving law, so letting some lunatic have his way in the left lane is more of a custom, then an assumed practice that is consistent with the law.

Good times last night. Thanks for the invite. Great to see all of you.

Popsrick said...

You didn't mention your penchant for not keeping your eyes on the road for more than 3 seconds at a time.
And no, you're not a d...
but you are one of those drivers who cause the mystery slowdowns on 3 lane highways when you go 72 in a 65 and the collective unconscious of the rest of the drivers behind you has suggested it's a good day to go 76.

ChuckJerry said...

Walt, you suck. I'm going on the assumption that you are driving at roughly the same speed as the people in the middle lane, only you're doing so in the left lane. It you're making it impossible to pass you, then you're being a dick.

If there's room to pass you on the right and you're not blocking the lane, then it's not the end of the world, though I don't see why you can't drive in the middle.