Monday, December 14, 2009

Vote - Best Facial Dunk!

These two dunks are my top two (and I think I gotta go with KJ by a nose). Consider:

- Both were made by little guys over big guys. (6'3" over 6'9", 6'1" vs. 7'0")
- Both big guys were known at the time as very good / great defensive players.
- Both were in the playoffs.
- In both cases, even though the big guy was not directly guarding the dunker, he was there in plenty of time to help. (In other words, it wasn't some cheap "I dunked on you, even though you weren't really there" like the time Beer-on-the-Girl got dunked on by Biggie Sessoms at Amman Park.)

Anyway, which one is better? Is there another one better than both of these?

And here's a trio of Vince Carter dunking on people, lest anybody think I'm biased against him.


Anonymous said...

By the way, yes, that is VIN BAKER on the U.S.A. team in the last clip.

Times have changed.

Open Bar said...

I suppose I'd go with KJ too. (He's the mayor of Sacramento or something now. Weird.)

But that Carter-over-Weis dunk is probably even better.

ChuckJerry said...

Which is the one where Kevin Johnson piggy back the gie he dunked on? That one was hot.

Can't we get some John Starks on all the Bulls?