Monday, May 25, 2009

An alternate 1985

Actual part of a conversation between my brother and I a few days ago:

Me: "You know, think of how much it would help our [state's] economy if casinos, brothels, and drugs were legal across the whole state.

If brothels were legal, not only would people not be arrested for dumb shit like having sex, but women who are forced to turn to prostitution would have protection. The state could regulate this service, making money off of it through 'fees' or taxation or something. [We've discussed this before, so I didn't elaborate more.]

Regarding drugs, fuck it, let's just legalize and regulate drugs already. How many non-violent drug offenders are in prison? Forget about all the money they could make on taxing drugs. [etc, etc... we've also been down this road before.]

The biggest thing, though: they could put a huge luxury casino up in Mahwah in the mountains there. The NYC market, who currently has to travel 2-3 hours to Connecticut or to A.C., would pour out to Mahwah, generating a bunch of income for the state. Did you know that casinos have to give something like 30% of their *profits* back to the state? And think of the jobs that would create..."

My brother, who had been quietly listening and without missing a beat, says:

"Yeah, but do you really want everything to be like Biff Tannen's 1985 in Back to the Future II?"

I cracked up for like 5 minutes. And while this is potentially the start of an interesting discussion, I could do nothing but laugh and think of the alternate 1985 in Back to the Future II.


Pax Dickinson said...

Your brother has committed the logical fallacy of generalizing from fictional evidence.

Anonymous said...

I think he was joking.