Thursday, January 6, 2011

Toilet Bowl 2010

I don’t think I could ever top the masterpiece written several years ago regarding the magic of the annual Toilet Bowl Game in Teaneck, so I won’t even try. I’ll just provide a summary of this year’s Toilet Bowl 2010 from my perspective…

I arrived at BF North (or is it South?) at around 1:30 pm and a familiar face was waiting in his car, Daffy. Despite the snow beginning to fall and no one else present, I suggested that we make our way over to the field to warm up. Daffy had an arsenal of equipment including: official cones, measuring tape, a football, and a bag with god knows what else.

Then, the ever reliable Chuck Jerry arrived and we began to toss the ball around. Jerry and I were standing on the field, and we saw who we thought was John Strauss approaching the field. No, wait, we pulled an Andy B., as it was the younger Strauss brother, David. After BPG, Hollywood, and Rick arrived we had all the players who would attend this years’ annual Toilet Bowl!

After standing in a circle and drinking beers, we discussed the usual topics of conversation. Anybody who did not come, was of course a bitch for selling out despite their circumstances, everybody playing is out of shape, blah blah blah… play ball! But wait, only Daffy and I were in attendance for non 96ers so we had to make an automatic QB, David, and spilt up teams, Hollywood, Daffy and I vs. Rick, Chuck, and BPG.

The snow began to fall and we played for a good hour or so. Ok, maybe it was only like 20 minutes, but it felt like damn near an hour. We took another break for a beer and Rick wandered off. Speculation occurred as to if Rick was vomiting (which has become a habit for Rick in recent years) but Rick did not vomit, and returned from the trees with a drink, which I think was like a Pellegrino or some sparkling water. We all joked that Rick must have stored the drink in the woods last year and was now retrieving it. Thinking about it… Why did Rick have to go to the woods to get a drink? Also, how did the drink get there? Since when did Pellegrino become a sports drink?

Anyway, we played for about another hour or so and headed to Vinny’s. We drank beers, ate food, and chatted. The real excitement for me at Vinny's was winning a door prize, which consisted of a Yuengling shirt, key chain, and my very own Vinny O’s cup holder. With the snow really coming down, and the Giants getting their asses pounded against Green Bay to all but close their playoff hopes, I left at half time to stay ahead of the weather. It was another great year! The only down side was barely being about to walk for a few days because of soreness, but that’s a small price to pay to be a part of the glory of the annual Toilet Bowl!


Anonymous said...

Hey Ricky, if you're out there reading, what's the story behind the Pellegrino?

Side Bar said...

Well done, Ev. Though you left out the part about my many TDs, both receiving and throwing.

The Pellegrino incident really does bear some more explanation. I think the most amazing thing about it is that none of us were really that amazed. It was just like "where's Rick going?" And then someone said, "oh, he just went to get a Pellegrino that he left over by the trees." And that was that. WTF?

It was a fine toilet bowl, with great performances all around. I still think game ball goes to ricky for the stifling defense on Hollywood, but Dave looked like the good Eli back there, so he gets a nod, too.

ChuckJerry said...

Good story, Ev.

You never know when you'll need some naturally sparkling water.