Sunday, August 22, 2010

Flippin Tokens To Hoboken

It was four summers ago (2006) that both Guiney brothers got married. Their bachelor parties were in NYC.

I found this exact subway token somewhere and figured, hey, I rarely go to NYC, so why not bring it? I'd probably need to ride the subway somewhere during this bachelor party, and why not save a buck or two?

I brought it to the bar where we were meeting up and at some point procured the token. I was ridiculed immediately by the NYC-dwelling folk for thinking that such an antiquated item would still be accepted in the NYC token. Many jokes were made at my expense. The moment came and went without incident. For some reason, I pocketed the token. And never did anything with it. And for some reason, I didn't throw it out when I got home.

So today I have thrown it out, but not before scanning it and posting it here.

This post doesn't have much of a point beyond that. Although, now I am wondering, is it kind of sad and nostalgic that there are no such thing as subway tokens (or, for that matter, slot machines that you put actual coins into)? Or, is it just an inconvenience to have had to carry change around for such things, that is thankfully not so anymore? And, let's be honest, pocket change of U.S. currency is becoming pretty much obsolete in today's world.

1 comment:

ChuckJerry said...

You threw it out???? I can't believe that. You should have given it to me if you were just gonna throw it out.

By the way, I remember very clearly you pulling that token out of your pocket and my thinking, "Oh my God, that's amazing that you still have a subway token."

Where did you get it and why did you have it?