Saturday, November 14, 2009


As I've become an adult, I've had this persistent, nagging worry that somehow I'm "not living up to my potential" or "not using my talents". That would be certainly be a shame. A wiser man than myself once said, "The saddest thing in life is wasted talent". (What's that, some kind of Eastern thing? Far from it.) And that certainly would be a reason for concern and re-evaluation of what I'm doing with myself, it is was true.

But I'm starting to re-evaluate the whole thing. How does one objectively measure potential? Maybe I don't have as much "potential" (whatever that means) as I've always thought I had for certain facets of my life. It seems like it's much more complex than just saying that person x has "talent" or "potential" to do whatever it is that they do, and wondering why or how much they're "using it".

I'm wondering: when other people get introspective about their lives and what they're doing and what will make them happy, etc... do they wonder about this whole "using my potential" thing?

1 comment:

ChuckJerry said...

You're the Tim Thomas of the math world.

I would think if you go through this train of thought and then come to the conclusion that, "well, maybe I just don't actually have that potential," then that would be more deflating.

It's one thing to have potential and another to be intrigues by it and put it to use. I would probably have a lot of the characteristics of a good serial killer, but that doesn't really interest me at this point (one day. a boy can dream.) I guess that's a super extreme and therefore irrelevant example, but my point is that if you don't have a specific interest, then potential is essentially useless on its own.