Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Cedar Lane of Old (part I - the side with the movie theater)

To all the Teaneck people:

MMG called me a couple of days ago, asking where Pioneer Pizza used to be. I told him, to the best of my recollection, that Pioneer Pizza was a few doors down to the right from the movie theater, if you are facing the theater. I wasn't sure myself.

So here's the question: to the best of your recollection, what did Cedar Lane look like in the mid 90s, when most of us were graduating from high school - and specifically, for this post, just the side of Cedar Lane containing the movie theater. (We'll do part II later.) What stores are still there? The interesting part, as I'm finding out trying to formulate my response, is that I don't remember most of the stores. I'm currently not sure what stores are still there. Here's what I remember from about 13 years ago:

Going down from Windsor, there was a gas station. After that, between there and Garrison, there was a liquor store and a pet food store in that first stretch. There was Manor Shoes and Miller Pharmacy. There was Cedar Lane Flowers and Jet Cleaners (where I worked my senior year of high school).

Between Garrison and the next cross street, aside from the theater, Pioneer Pizza was gone by the time we were in h.s., I think. There was also a store called "Flicks N Fones" which rented movies and sold phones, that was gone by the 90s also. Was there a jewelry store...? I'm remembering nothing of this stretch of stores from back in the day.

After that next cross street, there's a small parking lot. The next stretch contained a medical supplies store (J & J), a Blockbuster, and some other random stuff. After that there is a KFC and a supermarket? The gay bar, Vibrations, was gone by the time we were in h.s. also, I think. Mexicali Blues might have been there then but I don't think is there now.

The lower stretch before the Grille was empty but now contains some stuff (on the near corner of River Rd. and Cedar Lane.)

Man, I have a memory like a sieve. Somebody help me out!


Joe Grossberg said...

Wow, I definitely do not remember there being a gay bar on Cedar Lane. Then again, I was pretty oblivious to that kinda shit.

P.S. I sent you an email and never heard back. (the [first][middle init][last] one)

ChuckJerry said...

I remember from Miller Pharmacy on Garrison across the other side of Garrison was the vegetarian Chinese place, which I think is still there. Then there was a children's book store, the jewelry store (the Gem Mine. not sure when it closed), Pioneeer had closed by then, and I don't know what else was there.

The moview theater and then another kosher Chinese restaurant (Empire Hunan 2?), and for a long time was that department store with the neon sign that blinked. It started with a big S. I don't think I ever saw anyone go in there. I used to watch the sign incessantly when I'd go to Louie's.

Anonymous said...

Remember that coffee shop that was there for a hot minute, across from the movie theater?

Unknown said...

I live there now, and I can't list everything on Cedar lane, but I can tell you that Mexicali Blues is down Queen Anne Road, past Votee Park. :]

It's cool to know you lived here 10 years ago, and to read about a couple things that aren't there now.

Roger Romero said...

I can remember some different stores but they might have been a little earlier, more like the 80's. Hard to remember street names its been ages.
Across from CVS there was Browns Green things, a plant store, Balabans books(where i worked a short while), and the J+J med supply store. Then going towards the theater there was the J+J pharmacy, the bagel shop, the theater, tabatchniks, pioneer pizza, the record store( i think there were actually 2 or the one moved down the street) and Pickwick Village. Then next block was Hy and Harrys, a little hole in the wall pizza place with a round window which was good, then a pet store, a kitchen store and the gas station, then a dance/ballet school on other side of gas station then the bridge. Hey Joe I saw your blog, and you mentioned pioneer pizza. Anyway to find out who owned that place? Id really love their pizza dough and hero roll recipes. you can email me at

Roger Romero said...

I think the dept. store was called Schulmans? next to J+J and youre right, I never saw anyone go in there and I never went in there, although I proabably went in every other store.