Saturday, June 5, 2010

One Picture and Two Random Videos

Here is a photo of the last actual Hobo With Cheese I ate at Five-Star. I'd love to somehow embed this into the header of our blog. If anybody wants to work on this, let me know. I tried this once and wasn't successful.

Here is my all-time favorite basketball highlights / music video. I posted this once before and wanted to re-post it in light of Moon's Mike Nurse post and in light of our collective lamenting of the fact that guys aren't as passionate in professional sports as they once were.

Finally, I've had Sirius Radio for a few months now and have been able to listen to Howard Stern before. If you have not been able to make the jump and/or not interested in Howard Stern, here's a taste of song parodies of people sweating Robin Quivers' breasts.

(Sexual references / foul language follow - NSFW.)


Joe Grossberg said...

I don't see how to edit the page layout; I think only you have access to do so.

Evan said...

Those songs are so funny!